In the contemporary era, people voluntarily neglects the humongous harm that they engenders in the mother earth. Without any qualms, advancements in various fields created a paradigm shift in the attitudes of people towards their own environment. In this journey of life it is the need of the hour that we should realize the perilous havoc and protect the ecosystem in the best possible way which is indispensable for the overall well-being of all the living creatures over the globe.
To initiate with, the moot reason of my view point is, the aftermath of advents should be thought and discussed in a detailed manner. To make it clearer, before each and every new technology being unlocked to the world it should compulsorily be made as a fixture of numerous deliberations and the pros and cons should be discussed more elaborately. Also, the after effects of that particular one or once it stops its purpose how should we dispose it, also should be made clear and incorporated as a law to the user. The authorities have to strictly maintain the policies regarding the same. For instance, manifold number of electronic devices are bombarding the market and people are highly fascinated about the same whist many are ignorant about the disposal strategies and merely litters it. The electronic wastes should only be deposited in the e-waste trash bins and the government should ensure that it is happening in every nook and corner.In addition to that, nowadays people are comfortable with plastic covers than any other biodegradable counterparts. Also, to cover one commodity unnecessarily we use so many covers and after one use it is thrown to the soil or fired away, both the conventions are having drastic effects in our environment.
Hence it is imperative to shift our comfort zone in a swift manner and use paper covers when needed. Each and every one one should make a resolution that they should not be a reason for the surrounded waste hedge. For this, awareness programs should be conducted and waste management should be done in an extensive manner. Trash cans should be kept in every 500 meters besides that, classification of wastes should be done in the primary stage itself. The penalty of the violators should be a hefty amount so that citizens should never violate the law. To exemplify my view, in developed countries if one violates any law huge amount should be paid by the law breaker which reduces such dreadful practices.
To conclude, in order to annihilate the dreadful habits which distorts our environment like littering, firing plastic wastes stringent measures should be taken by the authorities to counter this menace by putting heavy amount as penalties and by awareness programs.