Mother nature, the first and great teacher with endless knowledge about all aspects of life.
The story of evolution starts and ends in nature, simply each living being is a small entity in this huge world. From the time of inception people are in constant search for the beginning of the universe which is still a mystery even the eminent scientists are in confusion about the Big Bang theory which is considered as the starting point.

Let your kid be a good observer! A robust nature lover ! It will guide them to a better arena.The white light that they observe symbolizes purity, greenery represents refreshment, light blue color of sky owes real beauty and so on.Let them explore and experiment with their environment. Be true to your kids because for them we, the parents are the world!!

Every little one is a gift of god with innumerable talents and potentials. As parents it is our innate responsibility to observe you child understand and appreciate her for even their smallest achievements. Nurture their abilities mold and confine it with the help of all available sources. Be an autodidact and encourage them to be one.
