Education is a never ending process, each and every creature is evolved by the process of learning. It is a hotspot of numerous deliberations that whether education should be limited in schools or colleges or it is lifelong. I am completely in concord with the notion that refinement of knowledge by time is the necessity for survival.
The most significant reason of my view point is, in the contemporary era the entire world is hurtling towards the pinnacle of technology advancements in a break neck speed. Without any qualms one can state that a there should be paradigm shift in the learning pattern. Modernist and documented researches vouch that human beings needs to get updated every 24 hours since the pile of advents in manifold fields demands it, if one fails in this aspect the entire globe considers him as outdated. This can be a moot reason of distress and agony even in youngsters. Thus, even though it is a bit cumbersome task each one needs to learn more to lead a happy and contented life.
The second reason is, as we grew up the mind advances through experience. The foundation will be more firm and we can built skyscrapers on it. To make it clearer, in each and every field so many researches and its outcomes occurs which are pivotal in advancements in corresponding fields and with the already known facts it is easy to make add ups. For instance, In medical field each and every day vigorous diseases and their drugs are identifying, hence medical practitioners are forced to follow the most latest progress in this backdrop. Considering the situation of awake of corona virus, each and every month mutations are occurring in the virus and strict adherence to the researches and its outputs are indispensable.
To sum up, advancements are occurring in every field in every single day and to move along with the wave one needs to stay focused and get updated. Hence, I strongly believe that education is a life long process.